S&P Dow Jones Indices

S&P Dow Jones Indices

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  1. The S&P Risk Parity Index - 15% Target Volatility seeks to measure the performance of a multi-asset risk parity strategy that allocates risk equally among equity, fixed income, and commodities futures contracts, while targeting a volatility level of 15%.
  2. The S&P Risk Parity Index (USD-Only Constituents) - 8% Target Volatility seeks to measure the performance of a multi-asset risk parity strategy that allocates risk equally among U.S. dollar-denominated equity, fixed income, and commodities futures contracts, while targeting a volatility level of 8%.
  3. The S&P United States BMI Mortgage Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) (Industry) is designed to measure the investable universe of publicly traded mortgage REITs that are domiciled in the U.S. and members of the S&P Global BMI.
  4. The S&P/IFCI Composite Financials (Sector) provides investors with a benchmark that reflects those companies included in the S&P/IFCI that are classified as members of the GICS® financials sector and sub-industries.
  5. The index is a subset of the S&P/IFCI, S&P Indices' leading emerging market index. It includes emerging markets in Europe, the Middle-East and Africa.
  6. The S&P/IFCI Composite Consumer Staples (Sector) provides investors with a benchmark that reflects those companies included in the S&P/IFCI that are classified as members of the GICS® consumer staples sector and sub-industries.
  7. The S&P/IFCI Composite Energy (Sector) provides investors with a benchmark that reflects those companies included in the S&P/IFCI that are classified as members of the GICS® energy sector and sub-industries.
  8. The S&P/IFCI Composite Health Care (Sector) provides investors with a benchmark that reflects those companies included in the S&P/IFCI that are classified as members of the GICS® health care sector and sub-industries.
  9. The Dow Jones Japan Select RESI is designed to measure the performance of equity real estate investment trusts (REITs) and real estate operating companies (REOCs) traded in Japan.
  10. The Dow Jones Brookfield Americas Infrastructure Index is designed to measure the performance of pure-play infrastructure companies domiciled in the Americas region.
  11. The Dow Jones Brookfield Global ex-U.S. Infrastructure Composite Index is designed to measure the performance of pure-play infrastructure companies domiciled globally, excluding U.S. companies.
  12. The Dow Jones Brookfield Europe Infrastructure Index is designed to measure the performance of pure-play infrastructure companies domiciled in the European region.
  13. The Dow Jones Brookfield Water Infrastructure Index is a global index that is designed to measure the performance of pure-play infrastructure companies in the water sector.
  14. The Dow Jones Brookfield Toll Roads Infrastructure Index is a global index that is designed to measure the performance of pure-play infrastructure companies in the toll roads sector.
  15. The Dow Jones Brookfield Ports Infrastructure Index is a global index that is designed to measure the performance of pure-play infrastructure companies in the ports sector.
  16. The S&P/ASX 300 Ex S&P/ASX 20 and S&P Global Mid SmallCap 50/50 Blend Index is designed to simulate a portfolio consisting of a position with a 50% index weight in each of the underlying indices.
  17. The S&P Core Eurozone BMI seeks to track the performance of the constituents of the S&P Global BMI that are domiciled in Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg and the Netherlands, and uses a float-adjusted market capitalization weighting scheme.
  18. The S&P United States Over USD5 Billion Banks (Industry Group) is designed to measure all constituents of the S&P United States BMI in the Banks GICS® industry group with market capitalization greater than USD 5 Billion.
  19. The S&P United States Between USD1 Billion and USD5 Billion Banks (Industry Group) is designed to measure all constituents of the S&P United States BMI in the Banks GICS® industry group with market capitalization between USD 1 Billion and USD 5 Billion.
  20. The S&P United States Under USD250 Million Banks (Industry Group) is designed to measure all constituents of the S&P United States BMI in the Banks GICS® industry group with market capitalization under USD 250 Million.
  21. The S&P EPAC Under USD2 Billion is a subset of the S&P EPAC BMI that includes all stocks with total market capitalization under USD 2 billion from the countries included in the S&P EPAC BMI.
  22. The S&P Ukraine BMI is a comprehensive benchmark designed to measure all Ukrainian companies meeting inclusion thresholds as defined by the S&P Frontier BMI Methodology. The index is currently calculated as a standalone country index and therefore is not included in the S&P Frontier BMI.
  23. The Dow Jones Oil & Gas Titans 30 Index is designed to measure leading companies in the global oil & gas sector.
  24. The Dow Jones Brookfield Global Infrastructure Equal Weight Index is designed to measure the performance of pure-play infrastructure companies domiciled globally. The index is equal weighted and covers all sectors of the infrastructure market. To be included in the index, a company must derive at least 70% of cash flows from infrastructure lines of business.
  25. The Dow Jones Utilities Titans 30 Index seeks to measure leading companies in the global utilities sector.

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Stock Market Investment Tip of the Month

  1. Check your emotions at the door.
  2. Pick companies, not stocks.
  3. Plan ahead for panicky times.
  4. Build up your stock positions with a minimum of risk.
  5. Avoid trading over activity.

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